Adair County Fair Booth

Adair County Fairgrounds 900 NE Elm St, Greenfield, IA

We will have a booth in the varied industries Building at the fairgrounds and staff it during the day. We'll have candidate material there.

Adair County Fair Booth

Adair County Fairgrounds 900 NE Elm St, Greenfield, IA

We will have a booth in the varied industries Building at the fairgrounds and staff it during the day. We'll have candidate material there.

Adair County Fair Booth

Adair County Fairgrounds 900 NE Elm St, Greenfield, IA

We will have a booth in the varied industries Building at the fairgrounds and staff it during the day. We'll have candidate material there.

Ankeny Area Democrats BBQ

Ankeny Market and Pavilion 715 W 1st St, Ankeny, IA

Annual BBQ with Democratic Speakers

Adair County Fair Booth

Adair County Fairgrounds 900 NE Elm St, Greenfield, IA

We will have a booth in the varied industries Building at the fairgrounds and staff it during the day. We'll have candidate material there.

Don’t Fear the “Wurst”- “Link” with Like Minds!

Nodaway Community Building 507 4th Street, Nodaway, United States

Rural Candidate Support PAC annual fundraiser will be a time for sausage making in beautiful downtown Nodaway with John Hoagland of Monroe County.  Watch and listen to the fun commentary […]


Greenfield Clean-up Day

Greenfield Town Square 400 Public Square, Greendield, IA, United States

Clean up around the town square, yard work and removing small debris. Bring work gloves, shovels, gardening tools