Pride Parade in Des Moines
Lucas State Office Building 321 E 12th St, Des Moines, IAPolk County Democrats show support for our LGBTQ sisters and brothers.
Polk County Democrats show support for our LGBTQ sisters and brothers.
Fundraising luncheon with guest speakers: John Norwood Gregory Christensen Gary Overla Tom Flanery Mike Herbert Bingo will follow speakers
Concerned Citizens of SW Iowa are sponsoring a vigil on the lawn of First Congregational UCC Church in Red Oak, IA at 5:30 on June 15th. Please join us in remembrance of the countess shootings and instances of gun violence in our communities. The event immediately precedes the Montgomery County Democrat's Supper and Legislative review […]
Join MoCo Democrats to find out what happened and didn't happen during this year's Iowa Legislative Session. House Minority Leader Representative Jennifer Konfrst will be our guest speaker! Free will […]
The Iowa Democratic Party is excited to welcome you back to the first in-person State Convention since 2018! Once again, we will gather as Delegates, Alternates, Committee Members, and Iowa […]
The parade route is approximately 1.2 miles long and begins at the intersection of South Drive and Pioneer Parkway. The parade will proceed south along Pioneer Parkway and north on Greendale Road. The parade ends at the corner of Pioneer Parkway and Greendale Road. The staging area for the parade is along South Drive on […]
Parade starts to line up about 10 AM on the street going west of the Casey's gas station. Look for the float of the Adair County Democrats and ride along or walk with us and throw candy.
Regular meeting of the Adams county democrats. All registered democrats are welcome. Adams County auditor, Becky Bissell, will be joining us to discuss courthouse renovations and American Rescue Plan money.
Adair County Democrats will have a booth for the Adair county democrats in the Varied Industries Building all the days of the fair. If you want to come to visit, be sure to contact Judy Kading first because there will not always be someone sitting at the table. If we know that a candidate is […]
The Page County Democrats will be meeting on Tuesday, June 21, at J Bruner’s Restaurant in the back room. The address is 117 N. 15 St. in Clarinda. Social hour starts at 6 p.m., and the meeting begins at 7 p.m. Featured guest stars are Truly Wingert, Third District Organizing Director, and Gregory Christensen, Chair […]
Adair County Democrats will have a booth for the Adair county democrats in the Varied Industries Building all the days of the fair. If you want to come to visit, be sure to contact Judy Kading first because there will not always be someone sitting at the table. If we know that a candidate is […]
Planning and organizing for summer and fall events