3rd District Central Committee Meeting (3rd Quarter)
TBDThis was originally announced as an in-person meeting in Clarke County. However, due to the sharp increase in COVID-19 cases in the state, the meeting will now be virtual. Please […]
This was originally announced as an in-person meeting in Clarke County. However, due to the sharp increase in COVID-19 cases in the state, the meeting will now be virtual. Please […]
Please register for the Zoom link at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqde2hpj0vH9TLqz_nQo8B9gYqgSd6O6BK
At our January 7th meeting, the 3rd District will conduct officer elections for the positions of Chair; 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Vice-chair; Secretary; and Treasurer. Nominations can be made by: […]
Hosted by Madison County DemocratsLunch available Registration by email or onsite (email by August 18 to ensure a box lunch)Email: David McFarland ([email protected]) or Pam Deichmann ([email protected]) Target Audience: Local […]
Members of the 3rd District Central Committee will gather for a quarterly meeting. Members include those elected from their county or their alternate, as well as the district DEI chair and the 8 state central committee elected members from the 3rd district. our purpose is to elect our representative to Congress and to elect state […]
Proposed Agenda: Check-In and Welcome (Coffee and Cookies Available) 2 PM Call to Order Rollcall: Quorum (20% of total membership, 5 counties) Approval of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance Guest Recognition […]
The second quarter meeting of the 3rd District Democrats will be held over Zoom. registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rcOGurz0rHNBz5Q5mS8uq4QidFnOEpuOP Agenda will be distributed as the meeting approaches.
Please register for the Q4 Third District Central Committee Meeting. The meeting is being held 7 PM on Tuesday, December 3 via Zoom. Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tf-qoqTovGNWe81NJERTWowN0IQBNphGv#/registration