Delegates: Voting Deadline is 11:59 pm on Friday, 4/22
Ballots have been sent to seated delegates. If you received an email on 4/16, subject line “3rd District Convention Booklet” you are a seated delegate, and you should have received your ballot by now. If you don’t have it, please contact Jackie Cordon (Rules Committee Chair) at [email protected].
Ballots must be submitted no later than 11:59 pm on Friday, 4/22. (Results will be announced on Saturday, 4/23, at Convention.)
Please join us on Saturday, 04/23, for the 3rd District Convention via Zoom. As all elections and voting (State Central Committee, District Affirmative Action Chair, District Platform, and State Convention Committee delegation) are being conducted in advance of our Convention (a reminder that voting ends this Friday at 11:59 PM) our Convention Zoom will primarily be an announcement of results.
Convention Zoom Link:
Saturday, 04/23, 9:00 AM

Convention Booklet

Draft Platform

Draft Platform (large print)
Candidates for State Central Committee
Delegates to the District Convention will elect eight (8) Democrats to represent the Third Congressional District on the State Central Committee. To ensure diversity, State Central Committee (SCC) members are elected by category – 4 women and 4 men. Those who do not identify as either woman or men are elected in the men’s category. The State Central Committee meets 4 times a year. Members also serve on the District Central Committee (minimum 4 times a year), the District Executive Committee (meets as needed), and on various sub-committees of the State Central Committee.
The following have self-nominated.
Zebulon Beilke-McCallum
Zebulon Beilke-McCallum, Congressional District Three, Polk County.
Zebulon is currently the Director of Housing and Economic Justice at the Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV). A graduate of the University of St. Thomas and the University of Minnesota Duluth, Zebulon specializes in homelessness, financial literacy, grassroots advocacy and raising hell.
Zebulon is a lifelong Democrat, a proud member of the Urbandale Area Democrats, serves on the Polk County Central Committee, and has been a member of the State Central Committee (SCC) since 2020. On the SCC Zebulon has served on the ad hoc tech committee and currently serves on the operations committee.
Zebulon has been a volunteer doorknocker for over a dozen democratic campaigns at every level including school board, city council, state legislature, governor, congress, and President. In 2016 the Urbandale Democrats presented Zebulon with the Champion Canvasser award and in 2020 Zebulon was a Warren Precinct Captain. Currently, Zebulon is assisting several state legislative campaigns to take back control of the Iowa House.
In 2015, Zebulon was awarded the Advocate of the Year by the National Network to End Domestic Violence. Before joining ICADV Zebulon was a community organizer who worked on affordable housing, environmental issues, and workers’ rights. Zebulon got his start in the nonprofit world as an AmeriCorps VISTA organizing tenant unions in Section 8 housing.
Please vote for Zebulon Beilke-McCallum to continue to represent you on the SCC. We have so much more work to do, together.
Jason Benell
(no photo or video submitted)
(no bio submitted)
Kim Callahan
(she / her)
3rd District SCC – Polk County
IDP Progressive Caucus Secretary
3rd District 1st Vice Chair
Platform Committee
[email protected]
My name is Kim Callahan. My pronouns are she/her. I live in Des Moines with my husband and two daughters. I was raised here but lived away for over 20 years, including in Canada. We moved from Vancouver to Des Moines 11 years ago to be near family.
I am a proud public-school parent. I believe in the power of quality education for kids. I believe in equity, empathy, and compassion. I also believe we are better together. The power of the people is not to be underestimated.
Until Covid, I earned an income as a corporate office manager. Two weeks after I lost my job in May 2020, I was elected to the State Central Committee of the Iowa Democratic Party. I honestly had no idea what I was doing but I wanted to be involved. I have spent many months showing up, trying to learn, and building relationships across Iowa.
In August, I got a new job with a small nonprofit focused on poverty awareness and social justice. I love it because I feel aligned with my purpose. I feel empowered to embrace true servant leadership. We all deserve a seat at the table. I plan to keep working until we get there.
Anita Fleming-Rife

(Anita Fleming-Rife will be providing a revised bio.)
Holly Herbert
I previously served as a member of the State Central Committee in 2016-2018 as a 3rd district member. Additionally, I served as the Co- Chair of the IDP State Platform committee in the 2018 convention cycle and was a member of the State Central Committee in 2018-2019 as the Chair of the Progressive Caucus. Three key areas I’ve focused on are inclusivity, accessibility, and education. These are three areas in which I feel there are still additional opportunities for advancement that I would like to continue working on if elected as a member of the SCC this term.
In terms of the democratic process and inclusivity of our elections processes, there were a few key efforts I was involved in. The first was the promotion and application of ranked-choice voting in our elections processes. Additionally, I helped guide and advocate for efforts to update our elections process to be more inclusive of members of the LGBTQIA+ community. In 2018, Iowa was one of the first states to make sweeping changes to our nominations process to allow individuals to run for delegate and committee positions without defining themselves as male or female. In the same convention cycle, the DNC updated its processes and language in the same manner
In terms of accessibility, some of the advancements I advocated for were the availability of CART at every SCC meeting so all members could have access to some form of captioning.
Finally, I believe strongly in the power of education. I believe I could help with additional educational efforts around how we can have important conversations about the issues that matter most to those around us and help them see how electing more Democrats could help improve many aspects of many of our lives.
Lori Hunt

I am proud to be a lifelong Iowan. I was born in Ottumwa, grew up in Iowa City and Dubuque and went to college at Iowa State University and Drake University. I decided to stay in Des Moines and have been involved in democratic politics for over 25 years. I’ve worked on campaign staffs from the local level to state wide. I’ve helped mobilize my college campus. I have knocked doors, dished up pasta salad, walked on picket lines, baked for auctions, walked in parades, written letters to the editor and run phone banks. I have been proud to be a part of Polk County Democrats over the years but I know we can’t do it alone.
During that same time, I have also been a staffer and volunteer for Planned Parenthood. I have been lucky in the past to work on some proactive issues with them but now we are just barely hanging on. Our biggest fights are yet to come for sure.
I started to get involved in political campaigns when I realized that no matter what issue I cared about, if we don’t have people that care or listen nothing will ever get done. One of the most important things we need to do is to get people who care about moving us forward elected on all levels of government, from the White House to City Hall.
I am grateful for all of the experiences I have had being active in politics. I feel like now it’s time for me to take that experience and background and level up my involvement. I want a seat at the table to rebuild and help plan for a winning team for years to come. The time to start is now.
Clint Martin

My name is Clint Martin. I’m from Lamoni, Iowa. I’m a member of the Democratic central committee for Decatur County Iowa and currently holding an office a secondary. My education experience is I graduated from Lamoni High School in 1995. I attended Southwestern Community College in Creston Iowa and received my AA degree.Then I attended Graceland University and working on getting my degree in education.My work experience are as follows. I owned and operate a used furniture and appliance store, a in home Child Care. I worked for Congressman Boswell’s Campaign in 2002 and Congressman Boswell’s Office from 2003 to 2005. I’m currently a substitute teacher and coach. I’m also an area rep for international student exchange program.
With my past experience and my role I feel I can bring new ideas to the State Central Committee if elected. Thank you for considering me.
Mary McAdams
Thank you for reading my bio and considering my nomination. I am the current Chair of Ankeny Area Democrats (AAD), a Polk County Central Committee member and a State Central Committee member.
As Chair of AAD, I helped raise over $72,000, a 300% increase over the prior four-year period; managed 23 precinct locations for the 2020 caucus including location scouting, volunteer recruitment, and training of over 300 caucus volunteers; and trained more than 100 potential candidates across the state as part of Polk County Democrats Brighter Blue training program.
I am running for another two-year term as a State Central Committee (SCC) member. Not because it’s easy. It’s hard, time-consuming, and sometimes frustrating work, but I know we’ve made progress in the last two years.
During my time on the SCC, we’ve had three Chairs. I helped elect our current Chair, and I have a vested interest in his success. I know we’ve become more organized and united in the last two years. I know we are working together instead of against each other. And there is so much more work to do. The lessons I’ve learned in the last two years were hard won, and I know my SSC experience can help the Iowa Democratic Party. We need all hands-on deck.
Democrats need to start winning elections again. The Democrats of Iowa are a family. We need to link arms and move this Party forward. I’m willing again to throw my hat in the ring and my back into the work for another two years. But this time, I come with hard-earned experience about getting things done.
I will support and encourage whoever wins the seat, even if it’s not me.
The good we can do together surpasses the good we can do alone. -Benjamin Franklin
John McCormally
John McCormally has been working for Iowa Democrats since 2002. In his day job, he is Chief of Staff for State Auditor Rob Sand and he also serves as Chair of the Interfaith Alliance of Iowa Board of Directors. He previously served on the SCC from 2010 through 2018, where he advocated for strengthening county parties and investing in constant organizing. After the 2016 election, he authored an article on Bleeding Heartland for how to make IDP more successful. While some of those ideas have come been implemented and others have yet to come to pass, John knows there is no silver bullet for success for Iowa Democrats, and believes the most critical issue for the party is protecting voting rights and making voting easier for everyone.
After graduating from law school in 2008, John has helped lead IDP voter protection efforts in every election since and is committed to making sure all Iowa voters are able to have their voices heard. Originally from Iowa City, by way of Burlington, John currently lives in Des Moines with his wife Shayla and their two children.
Martha (Marti) Mefferd
(no photo or video submitted)
(no bio submitted)
Kristy Mundt
(no photo or video submitted)
(no bio submitted)
Tracy Murphy
Tracy Murphy- Running for SCC District 3
Tracy Murphy (she/her) is a Democrat from rural Madison County. She is a career service industry worker and is married with one teenage son and three spoiled dogs. She is a native of Greenfield, Iowa, and was raised and lived in the Des Moines area for many years before moving to Madison County in 2021.
She has been an activist and volunteer for various causes since high school, and has been active in party politics since 2015. In addition to precinct captain, she has served two terms as a member of the Polk County Central Committee, and currently serves as a member of the Madison County Central Committee, acting as Secretary, Communications and Progressive Caucus Liaison.
She is also finishing a two year term as the Vice Chair of the IDP Progressive Caucus. In that role she has attended all SCC meetings and has contributed to the growth of the Caucus membership and infrastructure to over 200 voting members. The caucus has drafted an official Statement of Values and Principles, holds regular monthly meetings, is developing a 99 county rural outreach program to identify and activate Progressive Democrats all over the state, and is actively fundraising. During her term she has also helped to coordinate a Medicare For All Rally last summer, an Iowa Democrats Care Food Drive in coalition with several other Constituency Caucuses, and has appeared at the Capital multiple times to show support and solidarity with activists on causes and issues coming before the Legislature.
She is seeking a seat on the SCC to represent the Third District in order to continue the work that has begun during the current term, and build upon the coalitions and collaborations in progress to help bring the IDP into the future.
- Currently Chair, Montgomery County Democrats, previous Events Chair
- Elected to the State Central Committee (SCC) in 2020
- 2019 3rd District Hall of Fame Outstanding Supporter/Activist Recipient
- Charter member of the Southwest Iowa Collaborative
- Instrumental in getting Southwest Iowa Democrats Women’s Luncheons started
- Events chair for 2020 Norris for Senate 12 campaign (son, Joey Norris)
I would like to represent the 3rd District for a second term on the State Central Committee (SCC). I am willing to listen; I am willing to work; I am willing to act. I strive to be an accelerator, not a barrier. I show up, I participate, I collaborate, I share, I am engaged. Check out my library of endorsement letters to see how others describe me.
● Trained Climate Reality Leader through Al Gore’s program and have given multiple presentations.
● Born & raised on a farm outside Red Oak, and my husband and I are the 4th generation to own our property
● In partnership with my husband, we developed and grew our financial planning firm into a nationwide operation, keeping our base in Red Oak. Successfully sold our businesses & retired nine years ago.
● Mother of 3, grandmother of 3
● James & I enjoy traveling throughout the United States as he competes in Cowboy Action Shooting events
Are you as tired as I am of Democrats losing? I will be a voice for all of Iowa and have no problem challenging the status quo when it needs to be reassessed. Let’s move our party forward together!
- Public School Teacher
- ISEA Member – Membership Chair & Past President of the Ottumwa Education Association
- Wapello County Central Committee Chair 2009 – 2019, 2020 – present
- Current Vice-Chair for the IDP Labor Caucus
- IDP Women’s Caucus Chair 2016 – 2018
- Lifelong Progressive Democrat from Ottumwa, Iowa
I am running to represent the 3rd Congressional District on the SCC. I believe that I am a good representation of what 3rd Congressional District Democrats are all about. I am a mother, union member, public school teacher, and a lifelong progressive Democrat from a rural county.
I have been able to work with the SCC through my role as the vice-chair of the labor caucus but I would like to be more involved in helping create policies that will help us win elections and move Iowa forward. As a member of a new county to the 3rd district, I would like to bring a new voice to our district and represent the 3rd district on the SCC. I am very passionate about public education, labor organizing, and sharing the perspectives and issues of people from rural counties so that everyone’s voice can be heard.
I have worked hard to elect Democrats at all levels of government and I have seen what happens when Democrats don’t win elections. I want to work at the state party level to ensure that Democrats win elections in every county and bring people into the party.
I am asking for your vote for the State Central Committee.
Lu Ann Pedrick
Hello, my name is Lu Ann Pedrick and I am asking for your vote for State Central Committee. Some of you already know me, have volunteered with me, or been on a committee with me over the last several years. My volunteering has been for various national and state candidates across the state by door knocking, phone calling, walking in parades with my dog Lily, working at events, or dragging friends to events to meet candidates. Choosing where to volunteer has always been contingent upon where I feel I could do the most good.
One of the things I am interested in is process so I like to serve on or chair committees that develop the processes that advance party business and help get candidates elected. Since 2004, I have been chairing or serving on nearly all the Polk County, Third District, and State Convention Credential Committees, as well as serving on the Polk County Central Committee and Event Committee. For several years I have been on the Third District Central Committee and Convention Planning Committee. I have also served on the National Convention Rules Committee twice. In these uncertain times for the Iowa Caucuses, I would like to bring my experience and perspective to discussions regarding how they will be conducted in the future.
What you might not know about me is I grew up on a farm in Monroe County that is still in my family. My mom now lives in Albia so I spend a lot of weekends there. My home is in Urbandale so I think that gives me a nice mix of rural and urban life. I am running for State Central Committee from the Third District because I want to represent all of Third District. Thank you.
Michael Ramirez

Hello 3rd District Democrats. My name is Michael Ramirez. I am currently the Treasurer and Communications Chair for Clive Democrats and Treasurer for Lila Starr for WDM Schools and sit on the Polk County Central Committee. I am honored to have been selected as a delegate to the Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District and am seeking your support and vote for my candidacy for State Central Committee.
I am an Iowa transplant since 2005 having grown up in southern Arizona. I am also a proud converted Democrat—having switched parties in 2008 after the late John McCain chose his infamously disastrous running mate and I realized the GOP was careening in wild directions. My political activity and advocacy grew slowly until 2020 when I was the Precinct Captain for Amy Klobuchar for the 2020 Caucus. Following that I was ALL-IN! I have advised numerous campaigns and served as communication coordinator for several non-political campaigns, the most significant of which was the “Save Mr. Davenport” campaign which was successful in retaining the position of Theater Instructor at Roosevelt High School in 2020. Outside of politics, I have been the President of the Board of Directors for The Des Moines Community Orchestra for over a decade and have been working for Nationwide in Des Moines since 2016 where I am a Claim Specialist in the Surety Division.
I currently live in Clive with my wife Stacey, son Adam, and two dogs Lexi and Tess. I spend my free time serving as a music librarian for Music Under the Stars and assistant to the librarian for DMCO (Stacey is the Librarian…) and binging Marvel Movies. I’m an avid runner and bicyclist and am excited to return to RAGBRAI hopefully in 2023.
Lila Starr

(no bio submitted)
Hugh Stone

Hugh Stone is currently the Third District Treasurer and a member of the Dallas County Central Committee. He and his wife Betty live on a farm north of Booneville. Hugh is a retired Pastor and an elder at Heartland Presbyterian Church in Clive. He taught ethics, philosophy and theology at D.M.A.C.C. Grandview and Simpson. He has a Masters degree from Yale and a Bachelors degree from Iowa. Hugh is helping to plan an ecumenical conference on Climate Change at Heartland Presbyterian Church and will teach a course on Climate Change and Global warming at the Presbyterian Synod School at Buena Vista in July. Hugh has been a Democrat since he voted for George McGovern.
Cecille Thompson
Being an immigrant, I can’t really say that I’ve been a lifelong Democrat, but I’ve seen the (blue) light! Currently, I’m a
- member of the Johnston Area Democrats
- helped create their Neighbor-to-Neighbor program
- created the JAD website
- member of the Polk County Central Committee
- prior member of the Communications and Membership subcommittees
- member of the 3rd District Central Committee
- Chair of the Communications Subcommittee
- created and maintain the current website
- made outreach visits to counties within the district
- member of the State Central Committee
- member of the County Party Development and Training Subcommittee
- member of the Rural Constituency Caucus
- led the candidate forum task force for electing IDP’s new chair
- actively participated in the Strategic Workshop weekend, leading the task team for updating the SCC Hub.
I’m seeking a second term on the SCC to:
- continue the good work that was started as a result of the Strategic Workshop
- to continue to help the state organization develop and evolve processes that encourage and empower local organizations like ours and many others that have willing and able volunteers
- to continue to help build relationships among our state’s many communities and interest groups so that we have not just a voice for all, but also ears for all.
Thank you for your consideration (and your vote)!
Candidates for Affirmative Action Chair
The 3rd District Affirmative Action chair serves on the District Central Committee, which meets at least 4 times a year and on the District Executive Committee, which meets as needed.
We have one self-nomination:
Quill Bardole
(no photo or video submitted)
(no bio submitted)
Nominees for State Convention Committees
(* = self-nominated)
- *Gregory Christensen
- Toni Colling
- Marcia Fenton
- *Deb Hansen
- Chris Henning
- Clint Martin
- Mary McAdams
- Jan Norris
- Frank Pastorino
- Robert Roche
- Cecille Thompson
- (vacant)
- (vacant)
- (vacant)
- Zebulon Beilke-McCallum
- Mari Hall
- Joe Fulford
- Tammy Martin
- Ivan Martin
- Lu Ann Pedrick
- Lila Starr
- Rosemary Thierer
- (vacant)
- (vacant)
- (vacant)
- (vacant)
- (vacant)
- (vacant)
- *Jason Benell
- Deborah Fisch
- Gary Grimm
- Holly Herbert
- Veronica Lack
- Marcus Lucas
- Brian McLain
- Richard McLaughlin
- Kristy Mundt
- Chuck Offenburger
- Sam Plank
- Sheryl Tenikat
- Leonard Tinker
- Kyle Vander Molen
- Dennis Wegner
- (alternate) Marie Herring
- (alternate) Ashley Anderson
- (alternate) Richie Taque
Rules and Nominations
- Jeanette Hario
- Robert Ives
- James Marren
- Denise O’Brien
- James Peterson
- Michael Ramirez
- Elizabeth Wearin
- Christopher Wing
- Phil Wise
- (vacant)
- (vacant)
- (vacant)
- (vacant)
- (vacant)